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Starting a project

Starting a project

When creating a project, it is possible to determine whether an eAPP should be backwards compatible. However, the IDE does not indicate any backward-compatible sources of error when writing the code later.

Downward compatibility should be tested before rellease.

To install additional SDK (to, for example, To test older Android versions), you have to open the so-called SDK manager.

Find SDK Manager on the home page of Android Studio.

Under the “SDK Platform” rider you can find your overview of the ready-installed API versions and which can be installed.

Recommended in the book API16 ° Afur Android 41)

Settings for a new project

Application Name"Say hi app"The name of the app. At the same time, the project name in Android Studio. Under this name, the app is also run on the smartphone. On Google-Play, the app is listed under this name. respect! In the app list of the smartphone, the title of the start activity usually appears instead of the app name.
Company Domainstandard.comIf the app only runs locally, it can be ignored. For Google Play, the company's web address must be entered here.
Package Namecom.standard.saghalloPackages are used in Java to organize code. Is mandatory. Common-domain in reverse order. All in small-mindease.
Project LocationC:My ProjectsLocation

Important directories of the Android SDK (on hard drive)

Subscribe Content
Tools Here are the SDK’s available assistance programmes summarized; Includes, for example, Also the emulator, which simulates an Android smartphone and with which you can use it to test AppÄs on the PC.
Plattforms For every platform you have downloaded, here is a subdirectory.
Plattfrom tools Platform-specific aid programs
Docs Help and documentation
…/sdk/docs/sdk/index.html Help
…/sdk/docs/Training/index.html Tutorials
…/sdk/docs/guide/index.html Article, background information on Android

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